Download video telegram
Download video telegram

download video telegram download video telegram download video telegram

(Note: you must have the Telegram Messenger app on your device to be able to send videos) Select the friend you want to send the video to - its that simple! The Telegram app will open and show your list of friends. If you have a video that you want to send to friends, Telegram Media Player enables you to select the video you want to send via Telegram Messenger. Videos are automatically saved to the apps Media Library and can be Played again instantly at any time without the need of any Internet connection, or simply delete them from the app's Media Library screen. The app will open and start to Play the video. Once downloaded you can click on the option to open the video in to the Telegram Media Player app. Since the Telegram Messenger app or your iOS device is unable to Play unsupported videos, if you receive a video from a friend via Telegram Messenger, simply download the video from inside Telegram Messenger. Telegram Media Player is a media player that can Play unsupported video formats that your Telegram Messenger app or your iPhone and iPad device can't Play.Īvi, asf, divx, flv, m2ts, mpeg, mpg, mkv, mov, mp4, mp3, mss2, wma, wmv, xvid & more! Also supporting HD (720), FullHD (1080) and UHD (2k)* videos. Use Telegram Media Player to SEND ANY video format to your Telegram Messenger friends or PLAY ANY video format received from friends via Telegram Messenger app.

Download video telegram